I started learning Taiji quan in 1979 after having done Judo and Karate as well as practising meditation for several years. Taiji was fairly new in this country at that time and and I was interested in it as an art that combined the martial aspect and meditation. In 1990 I attended Dong Zeng Chen’s first workshop in England and was immediately impressed by the clarity and practical nature of his teaching. I took every opportunity to study with him as much as I could on his subsequent visits to England. I have continued to study with his son, Alex since he took over the English classes. I have been teaching classes in Southampton since 1986. I consider that I am still learning Taiji finding new insights and inspiration in Alex’s workshops and my own practise. I think that one of the joys of Taiji is that you continue develop for as long as you practise.
Contact: pjdowding902@gmail.com